A new unDraw Creatives and a way to share your creative work

July 14, 2020 · By Katerina Limpitsouni

With unDraw having surpassed 300k monthly users and 1m monthly downloads, it's time to revisit the promise to open it up and allow more creatives to openly share their work with everyone. So I'm happy to announce that we are rebooting our blog, unDraw Creatives with a strong focus on empowering everyone who wants to contribute to help others.

How will this work?

The goal has always been to help people access high-quality and truly open creative resources. So Creatives will be a place where you can find these resources and know that you can use them without a cost and without attribution.

What types of projects can I share?

There are no limits in creativity, so treat this list as incomplete but you can share:

  • Icon sets
  • Illustration packs
  • UI Kits for any popular tool like Figma, Adobe XD, etc.
  • Design or front-end tempates
  • A relevant e-book or guide you've written
  • A helpful article, essay or tutorial you want to guest post here
  • Anything you feel is relevant really...

Are there any guidelines?

It should be something you've created on your own and not copied. (Should not have to mention it, but still...) It should also be in a complete form, like a pack, not a single icon or illustration for example. And of course, you should be willing to share it to help others, not just for self-promotion or freemium offers.

An open future

As you can understand it's more of a beginning than a solid plan and hopefully we'll be able to shape this together. I've received countless messages from people who want to help and now finally there's a way to do exactly that. Hope that you will consider opening up your next project that could help others and trust me, it's worth it more than you can imagine. You can reach out to us on [email protected] or via a simple tweet towards my account, the one for unDraw or Aggelos.

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